Mississippi doesn’t get its personality from bustling metropolises, state-of-the-art stadiums, or pristinely pruned roadways. It gets it from old-fashioned town squares and highways marked with blues and barbecue. Civil War battlefields tell tales of a peppered past, while the Blues Highway sings a nostalgic song. The quirky coast makes you want to stay awhile, the northern reaches send you on a path to the Appalachian foothills, and the Delta commands the soul of the state. The melting pot of characters and history that makes up Mississippi is something even some of us Southerners don’t understand, but we do know that the collection of charming small towns down on the coast, along the river, and up to the mountains gives us a privileged peek inside. These are the gems of Mississippi, and we’ve rounded up our best picks.
14 Charming Towns To Visit In Mississippi